Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 7.0 - Let's Blow Some Stuff Up!!

On this July 4th, Mike and I are celebrating this country's independence the way it was intended - by blowing stuff up! We're in Texas and as you all know--everything is bigger in Texas :) As a Californian I am not accustomed to anything but safe (a.k.a. pointless) fireworks. Not so in Texas. My sister took us out today and we went to a Fireworks warehouse!

Yes, it was complete with a Superman and an Elvis! Inside were were treated to aisles of fireworks, the likes of which I had never imagined. They had M-80's, M-100's, real firecrackers, mortars and all sorts of rockets that shoot into the sky. Wheee! We grabbed a shopping cart and filled it up!

We're going to have a great time with these tonight and tomorrow. Mike's also doubly excited because he'll be lighting his firecrackers with his new lighter-- Fire Duck!

We found him in a sporting goods store this afternoon. I honestly and truly have never seen him happier. Let the games begin!

1 comment:

  1. i hope you're bringing some of those back for 4th of july in LA next year!
