Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 6.0 - South Into the Web

Saturday was the day for our longest time yet. Determined to make it to my sister's house in Houston, we drove for 13 hours straight. It was a cloudy and rainy day, so we did not have the sun beating down on us. It was great to get a break from that, but the gray skies made me yearn for blue and a little more contrast.

It was a few hours into our trip through Oklahoma when we started noticed some webs on the trees.
Sure that they were giant spiders, we were mesmerized and horrified by their presence. I had to take photos. After a while I was curious enough to google them on my phone. What I found was that the webs are NOT created by spiders, in fact they are nests created by caterpillars. Commonly known as "webworms," these caterpillars are native to North America and come out in the summer to early fall. With that knowledge in hand, we were brave enough to get a little closer and take some more shots.

Those nests were pretty much gone once we got into Texas and a little while in, the sun set and we were left with night roads and twinkling lights. Mike was tired and we were both hungry, but we managed to keep driving until reaching my sister's house just past midnight. We got a warm welcome and hot food. We'll be staying here for a few days before moving o. It's so great to be here at home with my sister and her family. I will enjoy every second I get to spend with them :)

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