Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 10.0 - Escape from Texas

Wednesday started a little off. We got on the road at about noon and talked about maybe stopping for food at the next town. The thing was, neither of us was ever really hungry. Once we neared Big Spring we discussed stopping if only to stretch our legs, but that was to be. Sometime just before Big Spring it started to rain and once we got closer it started to pour. In fact, it was pouring so much that Mike had to put the wipers on high and slow down to 20mph. I was scared and before we knew it we were driving down a river in the main part of town. There was no way we were stopping. The only thing in our minds was getting through town. By the time we got back on the main highway, we were both shaken. It continued like that for hours, so we just kept driving and driving. Google maps had us on a route that included a lot of county roads and we saw a lot of flooded plains, which were a result of the rain we'd just driven through. Somewhere in the tiny town of Draw, TX we had to drive throw a lake at an intersection. where a Toyota Corolla had already gotten stuck. I was so thankful that Mike was behind the wheel and knew how to navigate through that.

When we got to Amarillo, TX, I was determined to find a BBQ place in town. Alas, Google Maps kept taking us to places that were not there anymore. After the third one I was getting upset. How rude, right? Well, Mike didn't think so. If fact, we stopped paying attention to me altogether because there was something going on with my car. The engine was not revving like it should and would not take off. He told me we had to stop somewhere, so he could take a look. I searched for some auto parts places and found a Napa nearby, so we went there. After a quick inspection, the verdict was in: I was low on oil. Huh. I knew I should have gotten that oil change before leaving MA. It was just low either. It was 3 quarts low. Ugh. I felt horrible. He said it was okay. I knew it wasn't.

I decided to try for a BBQ place again before getting on the road. This I thought would make me feel better. I found one along the frontage road and we went in to give it a try. It was mediocre at best and Mike didn't like it at all. Ugh. I think that nearly put me over the edge. I could do nothing right. We drove away with me visibly upset and all I wanted to do was keep heading west to get out of Texas. Mike felt much the same. Back on the interstate we were both fairly quiet for a while until I remembered the reason I had wanted to go up through Amarillo in the first place--The Cadillac Graveyard. Oh, no! Had we driven passed it? I Googled. Yes! Seriously? Yes! I went full speed over the edge now. What could we do? Mike stopped and we talked. He said we could go back. It would put us an hour further behind, but we could go. So sweet. I was stressing the whole time about making it there before dusk when it closes.

We drove back and found the Cadillac Graveyard just outside of Amarillo as had been described. It's such a cool sight. People drive on up and take pictures all day. There are spray paint cans there for people to use on the cars. Mike guessed there's probably an inch of spray pain on those cars by now.

I was really thankful we headed back there. After finally succeeding at something for the day we headed west again and did finally make it out of Texas. Amazing! New Mexico was a glorious sight even though it was already dark and there was a thunderstorm overhead. Who cared? We were free!!

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