Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 5.0 - To Nowhere and Beyond!

We left Louisville and drove on into Illinois and Missouri today. Our destination was Mike's friend Marcus' house in Windsor, Missouri. It is exactly and precisely in the middle of nowhere. The drive was a little brutal in the late afternoon as the sun was directly on us. It spread an orange hue on everything and made us both sleepy. We were heading west on I-70 before finally turning south. Mike exclaimed, "Finally! Contrast!"

We got into Windsor just before 7pm.Marcus was so thrilled to see Mike! They've known each other online for an eternity and this was their first meeting. It was very sweet. He showed us around his place, then took us "into town", which meant a 30 minute drive to Warrensburg. Warrensburg is home to the University of Central Missouri where Marcus got his bachelors in psychology and also taught photography for a few years. He drove us around campus and pointed out some key areas like the photo department :) Then we stopped and ate atMexico Lindo, which had pretty decent Mexican food, picked up some wine and beer and then headed back. By the time we got back Marcus' wife Lorena was getting home and we all sat around and chatted for a good long while. I showed Marcus my portfolio and impressed him with not only my skill (haha), but also the amazing quality of the Epson printers we've been using. Marcus pulled out some boxes of amazing 4x5 slides and negatives as well as an 8x10 negative. We went through boxes of his portfolios and he talked about attending the John Sexton Photography workshop several years ago. It was a great photography night and what could possibly have made it better? Well, books, of course :) Marcus is currently cleaning out his library and is giving books away, but they have to go to the right person. Lo and behold, the right photography person showed up :) I was gifted several books on Ansel Adams and one on Edward Weston. Can you believe it?!

It was a really great night. Marcus and his wife Lorena were wonderful hosts and I am truly happy that we made the trip down here to visit.

Next stop: Texas!

1 comment:

  1. it's pretty awesomely nerdy to visit friends you've never met IRL!!! i love it.
